Sunday, January 28, 2007

Making a Covering

As I sit here in my little warm office, listening to WETA classical radio on NPR via my computer with streaming audio, I am so thankful for modern conveniences. I have a soft chair and lots of light and I can toggle my computer screen to play a series of photos gleaned from the web of Amish and Mennonite and other covering women, of reenactors in 18thC costume and French or Nouvelle France situations and I am going back in time. … Hand stitching instead of sewing by machine, using 100% linen, recycled from my first chemise makes this a frugal cap, my first used from Friends pattern #500, Traditional Amish Head Covering, has been a comfort--it will not be my last--I plan to make one in a larger size and one in black linen, as well.

I am reminded of the reenactorism, "Idle hands are the Devil's workshop," a phrase uttered often during living history scenarios--a phrase to go with the many hand jobs that women did with no conveniences, and which public viewing the living history have forgotten how to do. This quiet time allows me to think back over the wonderful things of God I have learned and will continue to learn as I develop a meek and quiet spirit.

1 comment:

Kelly Joyce Neff said...

I am a Secular Franciscan, and a former re-enactor (Colonial Williamsburg and elsewhere), and I have been looking for caps - in vain seeking something that wasn't so 18th C. - and prayer veils (that wouldn't get me mistaken for a nun). Of the latter, I settled on the grand coiffe- and when I saw this little cap today on your site, I knew, this is The One, in black, in white.
May God bless you, sister.