Sunday, April 27, 2008

New Cap

I am trying out a new cap, the Matron, from Plain-n-Simple Headcoverings, which is made from Kannik's Korner Mob Cap pattern. It is made of cotton organdy, and I wore it for several weeks before I sat down the other night and removed the top stitching and rolled and hand-stitched down the edges all around. Now it doesn't catch in my hair and the edge around the face is taken in just a bit and fits better. I have reached that advanced age when having a covering over my ears is comforting, much as that kerchief or shawl I often wear around my shoulders.

Even though I sew myself quite well, I was more than happy to pay Bayley for making the cap. Her workmanship is excellent, as there is a long strip of fiddly organdy around the edge of the cap. I highly recommend Bayley's skills with a needle and am very thankful that she offers so many styles from which to choose. I intend to purchase two more Matrons and one of the Maidens; I already have one of the Madres. Both the Madre and the Maiden can be held in place with a coif,La mère laborieuse, Chardin, 1740--the working mother an 18thC style, that adds warmth,as well as saving one's bonnet from the wind! Here I am demonatrating knitting wearing a coif over s Sophie cap and a Lappets cap for warmth at Fort Massac, IL.